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D.Z. says...I have a M&E BEEP, a NJ Transit BUDDY, and a NJ Transit Caboose. All run and look great on our annual Christmas layout. F.O. says...Love my other Beep and Caboose. J.W. says...I thought you might like to see three NYC Beeps pulling 12 NYC hoppers (MTH) and a NYC caboose (Lionel). I am running this on a test layout I put together, and the three engines are doing the job pulling 12 hoppers, not very fast but at a steady speed and they look good doing it. I will be buying more of RMT trains in the near future to add to my collection. Thank for putting out a product at a reasonable price. P.F. says...Happy RMT Customer - I Love my Loco & Caboose - Go Army! Seabee Train Layout in Iraq! USA/UNITED STATES ARMY WADDELL OIL REFINING CO. *** ORE CARS LISTED BELOW ARE IN STOCK NOW *** ORE CARS LISTED BELOW ARE IN STOCK NOW *** ORE CARS LISTED BELOW WILL ARRIVE STARTING OCTOBER 2024 *** ORE CARS LISTED BELOW WILL ARRIVE STARTING OCTOBER 2024 *** RAILROAD names produced by RMT *** TANK CARS LISTED BELOW *** TANK CARS LISTED BELOW EXPECTED TO ARRIVE STARTING IN NOVEMBER 2024 *** TANK CARS LISTED BELOW EXPECTED TO ARRIVE STARTING IN NOVEMBER 2024 *** WOODCHIP CARS LISTED BELOW EXPECTED TO ARRIVE IN NOVEMBER 2024 *** WOODCHIP CARS LISTED BELOW EXPECTED TO ARRIVE IN NOVEMBER 2024 ****** *NOW AVAILABLE! BALLANTINE BEER Brewed in Newark, NJ *NOW AVAILABLE! CANNON BALL BEER/LONG ISLAND RAIL ROAD *NOW AVAILABLE! ELEPHANT BEER Brewed in Martins Ferry, OHIO *NOW AVAILABLE! FIDELIO BEER Brewed in New York City, New York *NOW AVAILABLE! IGA FOODS - INDEPENDENT GROCER'S ALLIANCE *NOW AVAILABLE! PENNSY PILSENER BEER Brewed in Roscoe, Pennsylvania *NOW AVAILABLE! RED ROSE ICE CREAM Made in Murfreesboro, Tennessee *NOW AVAILABLE! STEGMAIER BEER Brewed in Wilkes-Barre, PA 2 MILE DOCK Fish Car PENN-READING SEASHORE LINES CUSTOM RUN for Holly Bear Train depot in Wildwood, NJ 20th CENTURY BEER - NEW YORK CENTRAL RR 36ft WOOD SIDE REEFER CAR 40 Roadnames including Un-catalogued Custom Runs for RMT dealers. * UPDATE October 22, 2024 *Select Roadnames Now In Stock at hobby store dealers !
A Toy Train Store Owner says... I really like your availablility, affordablility and ruggedness of the RMT Products. Many of my customers have bought at least 2 Beeps and have come back for more. A&P FOODS - The Great Atlantic & Pacific Co. A.C. says...Nice job on the cars by the way. A.C.J. says...Just wanted to say that I enjoyed the 4th of July info on your homepage. A.G. says...Thanks again for your great products. A.H. says...Thanks for the presentation. Videos like those still bring tears to my eyes and make my heart swell with pride. A.J. says "I like my CNJ red Baron BEEPs" A.L. says...Great product. A.M. says...Nice presentation, Walter! Accompanied by two of my very favorite songs! Thanks! A very moving pictorial and musical tribute to the nation and especially to her service men and women. A.N. says...Love your products. A.P. says...Thank you for a quality product A.S. says...I love them and plan to pick some up for Christmas. A.W. says...AEC caboose - I think it's great ACL/ATLANTIC COAST LINE AEC/ATOMIC ENERGY AEC/ATOMIC ENERGY AEC/ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION ALLENTOWN & AUBURN RR (PA Shortline) CUSTOM RUN for HENNING'S TRAINS in Lansdale, PA AMTRAK ARR/ALASKA ARR/Alaska